Posted a few pics here, but make sure to also check out the video below of our close encounter with a flustered elephant. It may not do justice to just how nerve-racking it was at one point. In fact if it wasn't for another vehicle suddenly accelerating to the right of us and scaring the big bull back, it really looked like he was about to charge. Then again it could have easily been my hard, De Niro-esque stare down that made him retreat.
For the record,that Shaggy song in the background just happened to be playing on the car radio at the time--I didn't dub it in or anything. That said, my mind is now racing with possibilities for the audio on the next clip. Stay tuned.
Ro, Nice video, Did you tape this using the small MP4 camera? I didn't know you are ahveing a vacation. Looks like you have lots of fun!
Hey Ro! Amazing video!! Keep it up..glad to follow you along on your trip :) By the blogger ID is "Ms.G." for my school blogs :)-Gros
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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